My favorite OC! From Aryannehoofler. I’m not normally into OC’s, but Aryanne is great. I talked to her creator over the summer. Cool guy.
And that’s the end of Inktober!
Things I learned:
1. Chinese white is really really useful! With a little pink it makes perfect skin tone, and you can mix it with any other color to make pastel versions of them without mixing in a ton of water.
2. Be careful and precise even with the sketch, it will save erasing in the long run.
3. I learned chibi proportions, though as I went on, the super deformed bodies got more anatomically correct, because I stopped looking at the nendoroid references and just went back to what I knew. I think that’s probably a bad thing. Chibi face proportions will be useful to know for drawing cute characters, even with normal bodies in the future.
4. Ink the foreground things first, that way you won’t have the tail of a background line passing through them.
5. REMEMBER TO LEAVE THE WHITE HIGHLIGHTS IN. White gel pen is nice for fixing that when I forget, but hair looks so much better when you just don’t paint the highlights.
6. Drawing a finished thing every day is hard. I had hardly any time to do anything else.
So inktober is done. Coming soon, Nazivember. I have my yearly Hitler to draw, and I’m planning another Aryanne. Hope I don’t lose too many watchers lol.