<ins>Based on the Chinese comic panels from:</ins>
!\_\_\_zaptor\_aaahh\_emote\_by\_worldofcaitlyn-da7nk9a.png!Okay, SERIOUSLY???!!! What’s with you ghosts getting all crossed-eyed over crosses objects??
Do you <ins>REALLY</ins> have to take the time to assess over your <ins>victim’s arts and crafts project</ins> before you decide to kill them outright in the middle of F&&&KING NOWHERE???!!!
I mean, what kind of evil and powerful mythical creature gets scared by two simple _INTERSECTING STICKS___???!!
That’s like a <ins>bunch of redneck Southern Americans</ins> getting scared over a <ins>sign written in Arabic</ins>, even though it’s actually written in Hebrew!
<ins>Priest:</ins> My OC Rin Ayakugi, <ins>a male Shinto priest with Christian affiliations</ins> who fights demonic and malevolent spirits with his ninjitsu skills <ins>endowed with the powers of the holy angelic spirit</ins>; fights with his kunai knives and None