"You have a beautiful heart."
Name: Elegant Heart
Nicknames: El
Species: Unicorn
Gender: Stallion
Pronouns: They/Them
Parents: Fleur Dis Lee and Fancy Pants
Sibling(s): N/A
Sexuality: Pansexual
Lover: N/A
Occupation: Model
Special Talent: Sharing beauty
Place of Birth: Canterlot
Date of Birth/Sign: February 22, Pisces
Place of Residence: Canterlot
Cutie Mark: Cutie Mark
Voice: Voice
Personality/Background: El has always been a beautiful pony since they've got their mothers looks. They went into modeling as soon as they could, following in their mother's hoofsteps. They love the elegant life style and wouldn't change their life for anything, but do not take it as them being stuck up. El has a beautiful caring heart.
Fun Facts: Tried on their mothers makeup and host fashion shows as a child. Never felt feminine or masculine and was scared to come out to Fancy Pants when they were young. He hates to admit this, but he really does have a sweet tooth; cookies, cakes, any type of sweets you name it.