Emerald runs around the courtyard, exploring around the trees and through the bushes. He knows this garden well enough now to draw a map out in his head.
There are exits to the north and south. The north one leads into the back rooms like the dining room and the ballroom, as well as most of the guest rooms and bedrooms. The south leads to the exit and the greeting hall. Both doors are always locked, and the only one who ever carries a key is the guards who let them in.
There is a circle path going around the courtyard with a large fountain in the dead center. immediately to the north and south of the fountain are a wildflower garden and rose garden respectively.
Emerald walks along the outer walls, trying to see if he can find a weakness or anything that might let him escape, but they are all pretty solid. He then goes to looking around the trees. None of them are nearly tall enough to hop the wall with, but he does see a beehive in one of them. That might be useful later.
Emerald also munches on a flower, because he knows he shouldn’t.
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