[ID: A digital drawing of many MLP next generation OCs hanging out by a river bank. The background is a beach scene with some characters, namely Flashcard and Sunspot, in the air and some, Mic, the Gliden Bros, deeper in the water, and Coren and Moonshine, in the shallow water. On either side of Sunspot and Noah are various boulders which are yellower in the redraw. On top of one sit Crosscut and Foggy Pen. On the other side of the river and facing away from the viewer, Danny Pie walks beside the dense foliage. End ID]
Yep, I held off on sharing this one just for the chance at the comparison getting interaction. It’s been than several days and I can wait more to see if it gets traction. Maybe it was the timing, but here’s the redraw unaccompanied. I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed making it. It was fun to see my progress and be reminded of how much I have grown as an artist. It’s comforting to know, given how tough my current art teacher is. It makes me feel uniquely disconnected from my work in a way my fan art and original work doesn’t. I’ve never really felt that before. I really hope it has to do with the teacher and not something to do with the work itself because this is mostly getting down to the fundamentals so I really shouldn’t be this disconnected from practicing the core tenets of my craft.
Anyway, these characters still hold a place in my heart. Even though some of them (most of them) are severely underdeveloped in the story compartment. The characters are (obviously) MLP next gen OCs and I honestly hope it’s obvious who the parents are (except maybe Noah and Moonshine, whose mom isn’t biological). The only one I guess I should explain is Foggy Pen who is the daughter of Rumble and Silver Spoon.
I really love the way the groups actually look like they are interacting, even Mic and Flashcard who are separated by height but connected by eye contact. Those two are dating and were my way to make TwiPie happen while also making room for what I saw as “canon” or more popular. I honestly have a soft spot for Flashlight and CheesePie, perhaps for their own sakes as ships, but also because of how I used them for my next gen. That honestly goes for all the ships that I used for my next gen. They’re old school. It’s not that I necessarily want to go against canon, like shipping AJ and Dash with other ponies when they’re canon, but they weren’t when I made these characters.Anyway, I’ll answer any questions anyone has about them even though I doubt anyone cares.