[Previous][Index][Next]* * So, Let us recap: Nahmat shot down Shining Armor and the royal guard, she shot down the Elements of Harmony, and most of all, she shot down Fluttershy. Now, undaunted, she does something that we only know Discord himself to have done: Face off against Celestia and Luna at the same time. If this hasn’t convinced you that Arofa Nahmat is a total badass, I don’t know what will.Now, before all the Fluttershy-fans jump on me for what Nahmat did to her, let me explain. I absolutely adore Fluttershy, just not when she is being nasty. This brings me to something I’d like to say about the episode, Putting Your Hoof Down. I liked that we got an episode touching on the harmfulness of Fluttershy’s extremes of behavior, and how in the end she finds a way to express herself with confidence and moderation. What I didn’t like is how Rarity and Pinkie Pie attributed Fluttershy’s bad behavior to the lessons she took from Iron Will. The kind of nastiness she manifested in that episode was not something you can learn in an afternoon seminar, but something that was inside her all along, and thanks to Pinkie and Rarity’s well-meaning but misguided support, she never got a chance to figure that out.Until now. * *My Little Pony © Hasbro,Friendship is Magic was created by and assistants.