Well, after I submitted my Valentine Art of RariJack, which it is my most waited ever, I made another Valentine Art, in which they’re dating and strolling in the park. Dusk Shine is a credit to Drewmwhit. I hope he allows me to use it. Valentine’s Day in the park.
AJ and Rarity having their date in the park after he gives his gift to Rarity in Canterlot High. They carry his Valentine Gift to her. On the other hand, there are more four more couples are dating in the park.
There are the couples, named;
Flash Sentry and Twilight Sparkle
- They’re making love in the pathway
Applejack and Elusive
- Doing the same thing. They also making love.
Josh and Blythe
- Josh serenading Blythe.
Dusk Shine and Sunset Shimmer
- Also serenading.