Первая страничка стёбного мини-комикса по моему рассказу:Of course Princess of Love would think BDSM gear is armor. She’d be able to pull it off too, considering her husband specializes in magical shielding. first page of the parody mini-comics for my fanfic (Rus): 3d frame: — Cadence, hurry to the control room and find out who committed the invasion! 4th frame: — Mf-f-fh phfmf fhm hmp fhtagn mhp Cthulhu… __slurp__ __sniff__ — Cadance, spit the gag! This is not armor! — __F-f-pop__ I said this is not an invasion. Some stupid body left Equestria. I bet this is your purple toy. — WHAT?! Do not talk nonsense! She doesn’t … — I told you not to use the horn. It is like a skewer for her. So she ran away. For four thousand years you are completely gone crazy! Damned pervert…