This time we have the two master assassins of the group Black Widow and Hawkeye!!
Black Widow got some of her yellow from her comic version cause black on black on black gets really boring so the yellow got thrown in there.
Hawkeye came last cause I had no idea how I was going to do him at all, his largely recognisable feature being the bow and arrow.. which pony version can't be shown using.. without loosing his pony..ness?
Both have Shield logos over their cuties marks but I imagine Hawkeye has his bow and arrow there and Black Widow.. maybe a spider? or some ballet shoes?
Also want to point out that I am doing pony commissions at the moment and you should totally check out the details here. [link]
Will be appearing on buttons, stickers, charms and etc at
Edit: What's this? Change to the file and there's a new pony in there! AGENT PHIL COULSON! <3<3 Best Shield handler ever <3
Yeah I gave him a taser for a cutie mark <3