As a dragon warrior, Cobalt always comes in peace. Still, he loves to be playfully destructive. One day, when visiting Equestria, Cobalt decided to tour the land ... and gather himself a nice big snack.
Canterlot ... Ponyville ... the Crystal Empire ... and Twilight's own castle ... all of them swallowed up by his all-consuming maw -- joined by Manehattan, Las Pegasus, and various other locations. In one fell swoop, Equestria was finally defeated -- reduced to a delicious treat for a giant growing dragon!
Did the magic of friendship finally fail? Not at all! Cobalt himself is powered by the magic of friendship. He is part of the "Dragon 6", who represent the Elements of Brotherhood & Sisterhood. Cobalt's bears the Element of Kindness & Pride. Once he's done eating Equestria, he can burp it back out -- and the damage will be magically undone by next morning.
Cobalt is a proud warrior, and he loves to show off his destructive abilities. But he could never stand to look at a pile of dead bodies. Thankfully, he has special magic to let him cause massive destruction and then undo it. It's part of his destiny as a guardian of the world -- to practice using this power -- for a day when he truly needs to wield it!
Twilight and Cadance might be a little traumatized. Rainbow Dash might be feeling humiliated. The Elements of Harmony were no match against this playful warrior of friendship. But it's all right -- because they never needed to fight him in the first place!
Art by Rai-Kun. Cobalt the dragon © NeonDragon.