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 18644x5250 PNG 40.77 MB
Size: 18644x5250 | Tagged: safe, artist:aanotherpony, artist:agcreativaartly, artist:aj flame ss6, artist:alexdti, artist:alexsc112, artist:aliceg, artist:anontheanon, artist:another_pony, artist:aquaeverglow, artist:ashtoneer, artist:balychen, artist:beadedwolf22, artist:beardie, artist:brisineo, artist:cammy, artist:chaokievery, artist:chelseawest, artist:czu, artist:dafiltafish, artist:danger_above, artist:darkodraco, artist:davierocket, artist:daynightcycle, artist:defiantfox, artist:derp!, artist:derpyalex2, artist:djdavid98, artist:donnik, artist:drawingblanks, artist:dreamweaverpony, artist:dummyhorse, artist:echodraws, artist:egil, artist:falafeljake, artist:faultsunrise, artist:fedot1xa, artist:flutterstormreturns, artist:frecklesfanatic, artist:frist44, artist:fumalunga, artist:funnystargalloper, artist:gatebreakergt, artist:ghostskvllz, artist:gobiraptor, artist:h3nger, artist:hari, artist:hazyspark, artist:huffylime, artist:iamglimm, artist:infamousrebel, artist:jargon scott, artist:jearkdns, artist:jellysiek, artist:jenndylyon, artist:joey, artist:kadus, artist:kaylerustone, artist:king-kakapo, artist:lemonadierpixel, artist:lightningbolt, artist:lockbox, artist:lunnita_pony, artist:machacapigeon, artist:mareschizo, artist:maxisb8, artist:melisareb, artist:memeancholy, artist:mkogwheel, artist:moonatik, artist:naa_artist, artist:necromarecy, artist:nighty, artist:northern wind, artist:not-immortal, artist:opalacorn, artist:pabbley, artist:paint star, artist:paperbagpony, artist:pertdegert, artist:pfeffaroo, artist:phantom arts, artist:phazerarts, artist:pinky102368, artist:pirill, artist:piropie, artist:pizzavioletgirl, artist:plaguemare, artist:pony quarantine, artist:ponynamedmixtape, artist:poxy_boxy, artist:puffysmosh, artist:reddthebat, artist:renderpoint, artist:retro7, artist:rossponeart, artist:sailor, artist:seafooddinner, artist:shacy's pagelings, artist:shadowingartist, artist:shoophoerse, artist:silbernepegasus, artist:sketchiix3, artist:skookz, artist:skyfarer, artist:snus-kun, artist:soulcentinel, artist:sourcherry, artist:spellboundcanvas, artist:spntax, artist:squidoart, artist:srbolsa, artist:superduperath, artist:termyotter, artist:testostepone, artist:the smiling pony, artist:the-minuscule-task, artist:therealegg, artist:threetwotwo32232, artist:tyler, artist:valthonis, artist:vashtwiist, artist:wallparty, artist:wallswallswalls, artist:wenni, artist:wren, artist:yelowcrom, artist:yipsy, artist:yoditax, artist:zenaquaria, derpibooru import, adagio dazzle, ahuizotl, all aboard, allie way, aloe, amethyst star, angel bunny, angel wings, apple bloom, apple fritter, apple rose, apple split, apple strudel, applejack, appointed rounds, aria blaze, aunt holiday, auntie applesauce, auntie lofty, autumn afternoon, autumn blaze, babs seed, barley barrel, beauty brass, berry punch, berryshine, big macintosh, blaze, bloomberg, blossomforth, bon bon, bow hothoof, braeburn, breezette, bright mac, bulk biceps, burnt oak, button mash, caesar, candy mane, capper dapperpaws, captain celaeno, care package, carrot cake, carrot top, cayenne, chancellor neighsay, cheerilee, cheese sandwich, cherry berry, cherry jubilee, chickadee, chief thunderhooves, cinder glow, cipactli, claude, clear sky, cloudchaser, cloudy quartz, coco pommel, coloratura, cookie crumbles, coriander cumin, count caesar, cozy glow, cranky doodle donkey, cup cake, daisy, daring do, davenport, daybreaker, dear darling, derpy hooves, descent, diamond tiara, dinky hooves, discord, doctor caballeron, doctor fauna, doctor whooves, donut joe, double diamond, dragon lord torch, dumbbell, fancypants, feather bangs, featherweight, fern flare, fiddlesticks, fido, filthy rich, fire flare, fire streak, firelight, flam, flash magnus, flash sentry, fleetfoot, fleur-de-lis, flim, flitter, florina tart, flower wishes, fluttershy, fond feather, forest fall, fresh coat, funnel web, gabby, gallus, garble, gentle breeze, gilda, gladmane, golden harvest, goldie delicious, gourmand ramsay, grace manewitz, grampa gruff, grand pear, granny smith, greta, grogar, grubber, gummy, gustave le grande, hayseed turnip truck, high winds, hoity toity, hondo flanks, hoo'far, hoops, igneous rock pie, inky rose, iron will, jack pot, jasmine leaf, jet set, junebug, kerfuffle, kettle corn, king sombra, lemon hearts, li'l cheese, lightning bolt, lightning dust, lily, lily longsocks, lily valley, limestone pie, little strongheart, lord tirek, lotus blossom, luster dawn, lyra heartstrings, mane allgood, maple brown, marble pie, matilda, maud pie, mayor mare, meadowbrook, minty, minuette, mistmane, misty fly, moody root, moondancer, moondancer's sister, moonlight raven, morning roast, mr. hoofington, mr. stripes, mrs. hoofington, ms. harshwhinny, ms. peachbottom, mudbriar, mulia mild, night glider, night light, nightmare moon, nightshade, noi, north point, nurse coldheart, nurse redheart, nurse snowheart, ocean flow, ocellus, octavia melody, opalescence, owlowiscious, party favor, peachy pie, peachy sweet, pear butter, perfect pace, petunia paleo, petunia petals, pharynx, philomena, photo finish, pickle barrel, pinkie pie, pipsqueak, plaid stripes, pokey pierce, pony of shadows, posey shy, pound cake, prim hemline, prince blueblood, prince rutherford, princess cadance, princess celestia, princess ember, princess flurry heart, princess luna, prominence, pumpkin cake, pumpkin smoke, quarterback, queen chrysalis, quibble pants, quiet gestures, rain shine, rainbow dash, rainbowshine, rainy day, randolph, rarity, raspberry beret, raspberry vinaigrette, raven, ripley, rockhoof, roma, roseluck, rover, royal ribbon, ruby pinch, rumble, rusty bucket, saffron masala, sandbar, sapphire shores, sassy saddles, scootaloo, scorpan, screw loose, screwball, seabreeze, shady daze, sheriff silverstar, shining armor, silver lining, silver sable, silver shill, silver spoon, silver zoom, silverstream, skeedaddle, skellinore, sky beak, sky stinger, sludge (dragon), smarty pants, smolder, smooze, snails, snap shutter, snips, snow hope, soarin', somnambula, sonata dusk, songbird serenade, spearhead, special delivery, spike, spitfire, spoiled rich, spot, star dancer, star hunter, star swirl the bearded, star tracker, starlight glimmer, steamer, stellar eclipse, stellar flare, steven magnet, strawberry sunrise, stygian, sugar belle, summer flare, sunburst, sunny daze, sunny skies, sunset shimmer, sunshine smiles, sunspot, suri polomare, surprise, svengallop, sweet biscuit, sweetie belle, sweetie drops, swoon song, tank, tantabus, teddie safari, tempest shadow, tender taps, terramar, thorax, thunderlane, time turner, toe-tapper, toola roola, torch song, tree hugger, trenderhoof, trixie, trouble shoes, twilight sparkle, twilight velvet, twinkleshine, twist, upper crust, valley glamour, vapor trail, vinyl scratch, white lightning, whoa nelly, wind rider, windy whistles, winona, winter flame, yona, zecora, zephyr breeze, zesty gourmand, zippoorwhill, alicorn, bird, breezie, bugbear, cerberus, changeling, chimera, diamond dog, earth pony, gryphon, hippogriff, hydra, kirin, manticore, pegasus, pony, roc, siren, sphinx, timber wolf, windigo, zebra, my little pony: the movie, the break up breakdown, the last problem, absurd file size, absurd resolution, apple family member, blossom burst, boulder, boy bullies, cloud, cloudsdale, collaboration, female, flim flam brothers, flying, food, forest, g4 mega collab, guardian angel, horn, image, male, manehattan, mare, mountain, muffin, multiple heads, pillars of equestria, png, river, river song, shadowbolts, sitting, spa twins, stallion, three heads, tree, wall of tags, wings, yack


After 3 months of work, here is the MLP G4 Megacollab! Featuring 343 characters from the show and the movies, by 132 artists. Thank you to everyone who made this possible and every artist who participated. It's been a lot of fun!

Link to the list of characters and their assigned artist: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ic21udGImt-fo8SunjL0_5RFl9SJpkGJM2KaPIeESuQ/edit?pli=1#gid=0

safe2370582 artist:aanotherpony57 artist:agcreativaartly1 artist:aj flame ss616 artist:alexdti1194 artist:alexsc112127 artist:aliceg181 artist:anontheanon457 artist:another_pony153 artist:aquaeverglow2 artist:ashtoneer324 artist:balychen35 artist:beadedwolf229 artist:beardie2021 artist:brisineo353 artist:cammy498 artist:chaokievery3 artist:chelseawest474 artist:czu1316 artist:dafiltafish369 artist:danger_above24 artist:darkodraco128 artist:davierocket255 artist:daynightcycle1 artist:defiantfox43 artist:derp!1 artist:derpyalex297 artist:djdavid98254 artist:donnik50 artist:drawingblanks5 artist:dreamweaverpony84 artist:dummyhorse114 artist:echodraws1 artist:egil83 artist:falafeljake426 artist:faultsunrise11 artist:fedot1xa1 artist:flutterstormreturns112 artist:frecklesfanatic207 artist:frist441468 artist:fumalunga145 artist:funnystargalloper7 artist:gatebreakergt6 artist:ghostskvllz1 artist:gobiraptor13 artist:h3nger267 artist:hari1 artist:hazyspark1 artist:huffylime62 artist:iamglimm4 artist:infamousrebel5 artist:jargon scott3352 artist:jearkdns1 artist:jellysiek468 artist:jenndylyon27 artist:joey293 artist:kadus5 artist:kaylerustone123 artist:king-kakapo1376 artist:lemonadierpixel2 artist:lightningbolt1300 artist:lockbox1 artist:lunnita_pony201 artist:machacapigeon62 artist:mareschizo5 artist:maxisb876 artist:melisareb627 artist:memeancholy108 artist:mkogwheel1308 artist:moonatik1693 artist:naa_artist2 artist:necromarecy55 artist:nighty91 artist:northern wind7 artist:not-immortal54 artist:opalacorn1509 artist:pabbley2880 artist:paint star2 artist:paperbagpony1352 artist:pertdegert51 artist:pfeffaroo683 artist:phantom arts8 artist:phazerarts5 artist:pinky1023683 artist:pirill336 artist:piropie14 artist:pizzavioletgirl5 artist:plaguemare166 artist:pony quarantine1892 artist:ponynamedmixtape264 artist:poxy_boxy397 artist:puffysmosh33 artist:reddthebat779 artist:renderpoint268 artist:retro72 artist:rossponeart7 artist:sailor61 artist:seafooddinner271 artist:shacy's pagelings55 artist:shadowingartist19 artist:shoophoerse87 artist:silbernepegasus32 artist:sketchiix395 artist:skookz134 artist:skyfarer6 artist:snus-kun327 artist:soulcentinel214 artist:sourcherry442 artist:spellboundcanvas458 artist:spntax76 artist:squidoart1 artist:srbolsa19 artist:superduperath59 artist:termyotter165 artist:testostepone765 artist:the smiling pony828 artist:the-minuscule-task570 artist:therealegg3 artist:threetwotwo322322012 artist:tyler2 artist:valthonis56 artist:vashtwiist35 artist:wallparty18 artist:wallswallswalls472 artist:wenni364 artist:wren126 artist:yelowcrom231 artist:yipsy47 artist:yoditax1301 artist:zenaquaria26 derpibooru import2785440 adagio dazzle17929 ahuizotl1056 all aboard86 allie way607 aloe3387 amethyst star3035 angel bunny11891 angel wings341 apple bloom68075 apple fritter940 apple rose375 apple split337 apple strudel138 applejack219436 appointed rounds73 aria blaze13703 aunt holiday453 auntie applesauce342 auntie lofty408 autumn afternoon210 autumn blaze6024 babs seed7077 barley barrel344 beauty brass539 berry punch7772 berryshine7767 big macintosh37595 blaze385 bloomberg162 blossomforth1751 bon bon20493 bow hothoof1660 braeburn7807 breezette43 bright mac1920 bulk biceps4012 burnt oak179 button mash5419 caesar361 candy mane338 capper dapperpaws1916 captain celaeno1498 care package174 carrot cake2642 carrot top6315 cayenne392 chancellor neighsay966 cheerilee12396 cheese sandwich5226 cherry berry2490 cherry jubilee1426 chickadee980 chief thunderhooves321 cinder glow1241 cipactli84 claude84 clear sky624 cloudchaser4561 cloudy quartz2009 coco pommel7933 coloratura4002 cookie crumbles1572 coriander cumin181 count caesar150 cozy glow11416 cranky doodle donkey1248 cup cake5355 daisy2957 daring do7693 davenport131 daybreaker4710 dear darling280 derpy hooves62081 descent194 diamond tiara13648 dinky hooves5108 discord40743 doctor caballeron940 doctor fauna637 doctor whooves12205 donut joe968 double diamond2017 dragon lord torch432 dumbbell814 fancypants2625 feather bangs671 featherweight1491 fern flare138 fiddlesticks539 fido616 filthy rich1411 fire flare154 fire streak317 firelight587 flam2644 flash magnus1080 flash sentry16686 fleetfoot2806 fleur-de-lis5178 flim2769 flitter3639 florina tart218 flower wishes2827 fluttershy283479 fond feather270 forest fall174 fresh coat296 funnel web66 gabby3526 gallus9816 garble2305 gentle breeze601 gilda12389 gladmane197 golden harvest6315 goldie delicious437 gourmand ramsay85 grace manewitz398 grampa gruff508 grand pear359 granny smith6537 greta527 grogar1889 grubber945 gummy5918 gustave le grande275 hayseed turnip truck297 high winds303 hoity toity1173 hondo flanks733 hoo'far635 hoops513 igneous rock pie1222 inky rose709 iron will1521 jack pot374 jasmine leaf292 jet set557 junebug492 kerfuffle759 kettle corn306 king sombra18913 lemon hearts2618 li'l cheese861 lightning bolt1126 lightning dust5854 lily2579 lily longsocks507 lily valley2581 limestone pie7150 little strongheart971 lord tirek7884 lotus blossom3515 luster dawn2295 lyra heartstrings36685 mane allgood364 maple brown157 marble pie9467 matilda609 maud pie16469 mayor mare4259 meadowbrook1080 minty1884 minuette7351 mistmane1032 misty fly678 moody root25 moondancer6785 moondancer's sister95 moonlight raven586 morning roast95 mr. hoofington35 mr. stripes85 mrs. hoofington38 ms. harshwhinny3096 ms. peachbottom980 mudbriar1074 mulia mild148 night glider1651 night light3300 nightmare moon22380 nightshade502 noi843 north point83 nurse coldheart265 nurse redheart4964 nurse snowheart227 ocean flow174 ocellus7331 octavia melody29976 opalescence2492 owlowiscious2334 party favor1846 peachy pie153 peachy sweet337 pear butter4404 perfect pace328 petunia paleo317 petunia petals232 pharynx1469 philomena1255 photo finish3204 pickle barrel287 pinkie pie280395 pipsqueak3573 plaid stripes326 pokey pierce1643 pony of shadows745 posey shy2158 pound cake3354 prim hemline208 prince blueblood4902 prince rutherford905 princess cadance45517 princess celestia123970 princess ember9616 princess flurry heart11053 princess luna128553 prominence267 pumpkin cake3066 pumpkin smoke176 quarterback221 queen chrysalis46446 quibble pants1797 quiet gestures88 rain shine692 rainbow dash306565 rainbowshine1173 rainy day91 randolph105 rarity238400 raspberry beret104 raspberry vinaigrette125 raven1232 ripley85 rockhoof1438 roma61 roseluck6707 rover1132 royal ribbon309 ruby pinch1506 rumble5164 rusty bucket89 saffron masala1972 sandbar7312 sapphire shores1223 sassy saddles1494 scootaloo66744 scorpan437 screw loose644 screwball1727 seabreeze577 shady daze445 sheriff silverstar283 shining armor31396 silver lining324 silver sable86 silver shill200 silver spoon8996 silver zoom324 silverstream8376 skeedaddle248 skellinore262 sky beak224 sky stinger694 sludge (dragon)390 smarty pants1668 smolder12536 smooze939 snails6150 snap shutter359 snips4852 snow hope68 soarin'19454 somnambula2627 sonata dusk18212 songbird serenade1540 spearhead179 special delivery174 spike100867 spitfire17121 spoiled rich1736 spot547 star dancer127 star hunter398 star swirl the bearded2492 star tracker642 starlight glimmer66318 steamer81 stellar eclipse219 stellar flare1940 steven magnet629 strawberry sunrise490 stygian1120 sugar belle4125 summer flare1241 sunburst9926 sunny daze165 sunny skies156 sunset shimmer89417 sunshine smiles327 sunspot18 suri polomare1571 surprise3734 svengallop486 sweet biscuit504 sweetie belle64074 sweetie drops20493 swoon song279 tank3409 tantabus652 teddie safari112 tempest shadow20293 tender taps952 terramar1032 thorax5912 thunderlane5467 time turner12203 toe-tapper282 toola roola1000 torch song281 tree hugger3840 trenderhoof1035 trixie86859 trouble shoes1518 twilight sparkle394600 twilight velvet6346 twinkleshine2675 twist3431 upper crust811 valley glamour101 vapor trail1517 vinyl scratch35868 white lightning1126 whoa nelly326 wind rider286 windy whistles3438 winona2970 winter flame195 yona6797 zecora12280 zephyr breeze3337 zesty gourmand310 zippoorwhill584 alicorn329738 bird14323 breezie2985 bugbear228 cerberus309 changeling67978 chimera672 diamond dog4336 earth pony428131 gryphon39596 hippogriff14562 hydra570 kirin16914 manticore704 pegasus490274 pony1498153 roc178 siren3142 sphinx2751 timber wolf1790 windigo816 zebra26580 my little pony: the movie23800 the break up breakdown837 the last problem8552 absurd file size3085 absurd resolution77605 apple family member3689 blossom burst5 boulder375 boy bullies28 cloud45104 cloudsdale1699 collaboration7409 female1533073 flim flam brothers1580 flying56230 food114207 forest17160 g4 mega collab27 guardian angel13 horn192983 image1093713 male529253 manehattan1346 mare707825 mountain7940 muffin7914 multiple heads2189 pillars of equestria368 png639289 river2857 river song55 shadowbolts2412 sitting97288 spa twins1651 stallion177359 three heads684 tree54936 wall of tags5765 wings261819 yack1