Fluttershy – Shining Armor:
Cadance – Zecora:
A couple of couples with a heavy weight on their shoulders surely.
Fluttershy is branded with a bright shield inbetween her shoulders, she was to take the place of the princess of love by Shining Armors side, that this was a terrifying prospect is surely obvious.
Meeting the Royal couple of the Chrystal Empire, tired and fearful, Fluttershy was greeted by the gentle purple wings of the Empires Princess.
Cadance, albeit deadly tired looking, had a warm smile on her face and nothing but kindness for the Pegasus.
Shining Armor, visibly relaxed when around Fluttershy, the physical toll of the curse chewing on everyone.
Not just Fluttershy was invited into the castle of course, the mare bonded to the Princess herself was none other then
Zecora who seemed overall much less disrupted by the situation than anyone.
A lot of crying and panicking of course ensued, Fluttershy reassured the royal couple that she would not be in the way, would make herself useful and did not wish to disrupt anyones lives, the fragile mares fears of being a bother or problem between the happy couple was palpable.
Shining Armor was similarly disturbed, having to stick around a mare that was not his wive, his already standing sleep deprivation due to being a father, the fear of breaking his young marriage and putting strain on his daughter… it was a messy couple of weeks for the four ponies now sharing a home.
Cadance and Zecora got along well, they had not many things to bond over except Flurry heart who took to Zecora and the Zebra had surprising capabilities for foalsitting, which Cadance was thankful for considering Shining Armors worries.
After everyone got into a bit of a rhythm living in close proximity, Fluttershy and Cadance bonding a bit and the Pegasus calming down around the royal couple, the married ponies became closer and closer to the element of kindness, inviting her closer and closer with every small gesture.
Zecora on the other hand, seemed much less interested in similar ventures, she constantly stayed close enough to avoid discomfort to her or Cadance but otherwise kept to herself mostly, she explained to have no emotional of physical desire for intimacy, and that was the end of the topic for her, and it suited the rest of the group just fine.
Overview: >>1973086