hello and welcome to my second generation
most of these characters are actually pretty old and I revamped some of their designs because some of them were frick-frackalacking hoooooorrible
and yes I have weird-ass goddamn ships don’t hate me
that aside, from left to right we have:
Cherrychanga (Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich)
Pink Promenade (Pinkie Pie and ???)
Lavaliere (Rarity and Spike)
Thistle Sapphire (Rarity and Spike)
Princess Aurora Borealis (Princess Celestia and Princess Twilight)
Princess Ambrosia (Prince Blueblood and Applejack)
Zap Apple (Lightning Dust and Babs Seed)
Treble Clef (Octavia and Vinyl Scratch)
Bailey Sweet (Big Macintosh and Cheerilee)
Little Liontail (Braeburn and Little Strongheart)
Flicker Scout (Flash Sentry and Sunset Shimmer)
Rhinestone Rune (Trixie and Diamond Tiara)
Bombshell Blaze (Flash Sentry and Surprise)
Shielded Sundown (Sunset Shimmer and Surprise)
Mocha Muffin (Derpy and Doctor Whooves)
Marionberry (Colgate and Berry Punch)
Loganberry (Colgate and Berry Punch)
Plushie Pattern (Lyra and Bon Bon)
Silver Lining (Thunderlane and Blossomforth)
Nightdrop Sparkle (Nyx and Snowdrop)
Flossy Puff (Queen Chrysalis and Fluffle Puff)
Princess Skyla (Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor)
Princess Love Bloom (Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor)
so yeah that’s everyone
no Rainbow Dash babies yet because I’m not quite sure who I ship her with Either Scootaloo, Daring Do, or maaaaybe Soarin or Spitfire but that’s a huge maybe