King Aries
🔸️ Father of Grogar
🔸️ Former ruler Tambelon
🔸️ I based Aries look from G1 Grogar
🔸️ Status: deceased
King Caligo
🔸️ Father of Sombra and Shadow ( Pony of Shadows )
🔸️ Status: deceased
Storm King senior
🔸️ Father of Storm King
🔸️ Status: deceased
King Vorak
🔸️ Father of Tirek and Scorpan
🔸️ Former ruler of Midnight kingdom
🔸️ I change Vorak look. He have snout and horns similar to Tirek.
🔸️ Unlike his comic counterpart, he is wise king and caring father.
🔸️ Status: deceased