The fourth Fallout 40K Primarch: Velvet Remedy – The Palatine Phoenix.
The third primarch created in the vaults of Canterlot, Velvet’s unique genetic trait was an increased sensitivity and heightened reaction time, this made her dance around the battlefield and out-maneuver even changelings, although this sensitivity also made her more susceptible to pain and thus easier to defeat in combat, although her speed did easily overcome this weakness. During the Great Crusade she found an ancient artifact of an alien race, a magic sword that could slice through any armor as if it was paper, further adding to her deadliness, although this blade carried with it, bound in its hilt, a daemon of Mane-Iac, and this extradimensional creature would slowly influence Velvet’s actions in the years to come, at first merely planting suggestions in her mind, then outright talking to her. In her ego, Velvet would underestimate the entity within the blade, believing that her, in all her glory could easily handle a daemon… However, the daemon would twist her pride into a force of chaos, before long she would be tricked into following the Warmaster in the Black Heresy. Shortly after killing her gene-brother Calamity in the battle of Istvaan V, Velvet would become overcome with grief and using this moment of weakness, the daemon bound within the Laer Blade would take control of her body, sending what little remains of Velvet to the depths of her own mind, to be forever trapped within grief and terror.