I was making ideas for a MLP:FiM Mystery Dungeon like fangame, and then got a idea for the final boss of it, Discord with the Discorded Mane 6. The Mane 6 Pony that the game would see you main, would basically, be the only one who doesn’t become discorded, and therefore, from that final part in the game, you can only use them, until you beat the game and stop Discord.
The final battle would be really TOUGH! The Discorded Mane 5 against you. Discord would only start to move and attack, when you turn the last of the Discorded Mane 5 back to normal (when you would turn one back to normal, they would join you in the battle right away, to help you). After you would beat Discord, just like in Return of Harmony, and MegaPony, your main pony of the Mane 6 would levitate up, and then the rest of the Mane 6 would levitate up too, and then the Elements of Harmony bracelets would come out of nowhere and attach onto them, as they would prepare the Harmony Blaster, to turn Discord into stone, saving the world of Equestria, once and for all.