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Uploaded by Anonymous #77A3
 9000x4990 PNG 14.72 MB
Size: 9000x4990 | Tagged: safe, artist:joycall6, derpibooru import, edit, applejack, big macintosh, daring do, derpy hooves, fluttershy, minuette, pinkie pie, princess celestia, princess luna, rainbow dash, rarity, shining armor, silver spoon, spitfire, sunset shimmer, trixie, twilight sparkle, twilight sparkle (alicorn), vinyl scratch, oc, oc:fausticorn, alicorn, bat pony, bird, earth pony, pegasus, pony, seagull, unicorn, series:joycall6's periodic table, :>, :o, :p, absurd resolution, aircraft, aluminium, aluminum, anatomy, ancient egypt, antimony, apple (company) coffee, argentum, argon, arsenic, aurum, baguette, balloon, banana, bananalestia, barium, baseball, baseball bat, bat ponified, battery, beaker, beatnik rarity, bedroom eyes, beret, beryl, beryllium, bipedal, blushing, boron, borosillicate glass, brain, bread, bromine, bucket, bust, c:, cable, cadmium, caesium, calcium, capacitor, car, carbon, carrying, catalytic converter, cd, cerium, cesium, chemistry, chibi, chlorine, chromium, cigarette, circuit, circuit board, clothes, cloud, cloudy, cobalt, coca-cola, coin, companion cube, computer, cooking, cooking pot, cooling tower, copper, crossover, crying, cuprum, cut, cute, cute little fangs, cutefire, cutelestia, dashabetes, derpabetes, diamond, diatrixes, diode, doormat, drink, dysprosium, egyptian, eiffel tower, electric guitar, electronics, erbium, euro, european central bank, europium, eyes closed, f-15 eagle, fangs, female, ferrum, fertilizer, fiber optic, film, fireworks, floating, floating wings, fluorine, flutterbat, flying, food, gadolinium, gallium, gem, germanium, giantess, glass, glasses, glassware, glow, glowstick, gold, guitar, hafnium, hard drive, hat, hatless, headphones, heart, helium, holmium, hoof hold, hydrogen, hypercar, indium, injured, integrated circuit, intestines, iodine, iridium, iron, jackabetes, jet, jet engine, jet plane, kalium, krypton, lab coat, laboratory glassware, lanthanum, laser, lauren faust, leaf, levitation, licking, licking lips, light, lightbulb, lighter, lights, literal silver spoon, lithium, looking at you, loupe, lunabetes, lutetium, mac, macro, magic, magnesium, magnet, male, manganese, mare, match, mclaren, mclaren mp4-12c, meter bar, microchip, microphone, milk, minubetes, missing accessory, molybdenum, monitor, mouth hold, mri, mri scanner, mug, musical instrument, nails, natrium, neodymium, neon, nickel, night, night vision, nightcap, niko (oneshot), niobium, nitrogen, nuclear power plant, ocean, oil platform, oil rig, one eye closed, oneshot, open mouth, operation, optical fiber, osmium, oxygen, oxygen mask, oxygen tank, palladium, pan, parody, pcb, pen, periodic table, pet scan, pharaoh, phosphorus, pink-mane celestia, plane, planet, platinum, png, poison, portal (valve), portal gun, portrait, positron emission tomography, potassium, power plant, printed ciruit board, promethium (element), prone, pun, race swap, raribetes, respirator, rhenium, rhodium, riding, role reversal, rubidium, ruthenium, safety goggles, salt, saltpeter, samarium, scandium, science, scissors, selenium, semiconductor, shampoo, shears, shyabetes, silicon, silver, silverware, simple background, singing, sitting, sky, sleepy, smiling, smoke, smoking, soda, soda can, sodium, solar panel, solder, soldering, soldering iron, south korea, speaker, sports, sr-71 blackbird, stainless steel, stallion, stannum, stars, stibium, strontium, sulfur, sulphur, sun, supercar, surgery, surgical mask, sweater, swimming, swimming pool, tangible heavenly object, tantalum, tantalum capacitor, technetium, telekinesis, telescope, television, tellurium, terbium, test card, that pony sure loves gems, then watch her balloons lift her up to the sky, this will end in death, this will end in tears, this will end in tears and/or death, tin, titanium, to the moon, tongue out, tool, toothbrush, toothpaste, torch, tungsten, underwater, vanadium, vehicle, wafer, wall of tags, weapons-grade cute, when you see it, white background, wind turbine, wind turbine generator, windmill, window, wings, wink, wires, wolfram, wolframium, wrench, x-ray, x-ray picture, xenon, you had one job, yttrium, zinc, zirconium


I found one of the element images by joycall6, after which I found out that there were more. No one had yet compiled them into a periodic table so I did just that. The eventual file size of the image was 45 MB so it has been downscaled a little so it could be uploaded to here.

White background version of >>1988872

I only compiled the images into one, and did not make any of the images.

Check out joycall6’s other work:



safe2367782 artist:joycall6591 derpibooru import2781623 edit181533 applejack219234 big macintosh37544 daring do7689 derpy hooves62044 fluttershy283223 minuette7348 pinkie pie280160 princess celestia123835 princess luna128435 rainbow dash306176 rarity238175 shining armor31359 silver spoon8982 spitfire17108 sunset shimmer89333 trixie86797 twilight sparkle394213 twilight sparkle (alicorn)155923 vinyl scratch35847 oc1067122 oc:fausticorn1779 alicorn329269 bat pony88405 bird14290 earth pony427284 pegasus489368 pony1495641 seagull593 unicorn527022 series:joycall6's periodic table135 :>387 :o6548 :p14323 absurd resolution77553 aircraft588 aluminium5 aluminum66 anatomy522 ancient egypt66 antimony7 apple (company) coffee3 argentum6 argon12 arsenic7 aurum10 baguette208 balloon13753 banana2784 bananalestia210 barium8 baseball544 baseball bat1611 bat ponified6891 battery236 beaker255 beatnik rarity742 bedroom eyes86439 beret2869 beryl4 beryllium8 bipedal44901 blushing295695 boron7 borosillicate glass3 brain615 bread2175 bromine11 bucket3342 bust80613 c:1351 cable220 cadmium5 caesium5 calcium13 capacitor9 car8966 carbon12 carrying3116 catalytic converter6 cd169 cerium7 cesium6 chemistry443 chibi19597 chlorine19 chromium10 cigarette5866 circuit26 circuit board62 clothes698540 cloud45004 cloudy7044 cobalt7 coca-cola354 coin1026 companion cube257 computer8613 cooking1548 cooking pot84 cooling tower6 copper23 crossover74999 crying58283 cuprum5 cut1003 cute261286 cute little fangs2993 cutefire242 cutelestia4033 dashabetes11322 derpabetes3250 diamond1147 diatrixes3582 diode10 doormat62 drink9989 dysprosium6 egyptian1404 eiffel tower189 electric guitar1457 electronics74 erbium8 euro15 european central bank4 europium6 eyes closed140036 f-15 eagle46 fangs42277 female1530477 ferrum8 fertilizer40 fiber optic5 film65 fireworks2776 floating5922 floating wings1694 fluorine12 flutterbat13790 flying56141 food114047 gadolinium5 gallium11 gem9200 germanium5 giantess6942 glass7254 glasses94797 glassware6 glow17862 glowstick989 gold2149 guitar6847 hafnium5 hard drive19 hat129890 hatless2544 headphones11062 heart76279 helium196 holmium5 hoof hold12975 hydrogen23 hypercar75 indium5 injured4651 integrated circuit12 intestines621 iodine11 iridium5 iron41 jackabetes6950 jet611 jet engine62 jet plane57 kalium4 krypton9 lab coat3129 laboratory glassware3 lanthanum6 laser1231 lauren faust2006 leaf1809 levitation15576 licking29340 licking lips5686 light2466 lightbulb457 lighter376 lights1429 literal silver spoon4 lithium8 looking at you280597 loupe30 lunabetes4119 lutetium6 mac38 macro17621 magic100753 magnesium8 magnet224 male528419 manganese7 mare706442 match169 mclaren85 mclaren mp4-12c18 meter bar3 microchip15 microphone7830 milk8659 minubetes280 missing accessory10401 molybdenum7 monitor1075 mouth hold23382 mri3 mri scanner4 mug6503 musical instrument13581 nails917 natrium4 neodymium6 neon1764 nickel18 night40906 night vision31 nightcap625 niko (oneshot)23 niobium5 nitrogen11 nuclear power plant14 ocean12521 oil platform5 oil rig9 one eye closed47353 oneshot39 open mouth241136 operation31 optical fiber4 osmium5 oxygen24 oxygen mask137 oxygen tank104 palladium5 pan210 parody18351 pcb26 pen1701 periodic table236 pet scan3 pharaoh99 phosphorus6 pink-mane celestia2739 plane4233 planet1714 platinum13 png636892 poison230 portal (valve)1420 portal gun242 portrait44078 positron emission tomography4 potassium13 power plant17 printed ciruit board5 promethium (element)6 prone35235 pun8891 race swap27554 raribetes6356 respirator304 rhenium6 rhodium5 riding7549 role reversal1768 rubidium6 ruthenium5 safety goggles530 salt243 saltpeter4 samarium5 scandium5 science1420 scissors1514 selenium6 semiconductor6 shampoo445 shears56 shyabetes17245 silicon7 silver136 silverware64 simple background606640 singing8835 sitting97107 sky24078 sleepy2493 smiling413412 smoke3876 smoking6239 soda2238 soda can515 sodium8 solar panel33 solder7 soldering13 soldering iron65 south korea157 speaker699 sports6770 sr-71 blackbird81 stainless steel8 stallion176922 stannum5 stars24548 stibium5 strontium7 sulfur16 sulphur4 sun9712 supercar206 surgery76 surgical mask279 sweater21087 swimming4077 swimming pool5148 tangible heavenly object1586 tantalum6 tantalum capacitor3 technetium5 telekinesis38623 telescope1086 television3680 tellurium10 terbium5 test card41 that pony sure loves gems3 then watch her balloons lift her up to the sky1052 this will end in death3661 this will end in tears4360 this will end in tears and/or death2719 tin21 titanium9 to the moon364 tongue out161016 tool33 toothbrush1014 toothpaste327 torch955 tungsten6 underwater8454 vanadium5 vehicle1441 wafer11 wall of tags5758 weapons-grade cute4148 when you see it712 white background159975 wind turbine8 wind turbine generator18 windmill418 window14748 wings261220 wink34301 wires597 wolfram5 wolframium3 wrench1055 x-ray11527 x-ray picture179 xenon6 you had one job518 yttrium8 zinc12 zirconium5