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Alright,let’s start!
From left to right
Limestone Pie,Spitifire and Soarin.
Soarin divorced from Spitfire and is currently married to Limestone and they have a daughter named Breezy Night. Soarin also had a daughter with Spitfire named Rainy Day.
Marble Pie and Big Macintosh
They’ve had a daughter called Ruby Miner
Pinkie Pie and Pokey Pierce
They had two daughters,Candy Floss and Balloon Party,and they have a crush on Silver.
Maud Pie and Moonlight Raven
they had a son and a daughter,Written Poem and Silver.
Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy
they had a daughter called Rainbow Flowers.She has a crush for Rarity and Applejack’s daughter,Apple Diamond,but neither of them realize they have feelings for each other
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