This is a New Next gen I thought of nothing really much!
this is gonna be awhile to take on but I’ll put their info here!
I noticed that I only did Sweetie belle but I Will make the other Cmc Later!
Twilight x Quibble Pants – Married and have three kids
Rainbow dash x Thunderlane – Marrie and Have two Kids
Pinkie Pie x Cheese Sandwich – Married and Have Three kids
Fluttershy x Big Mac – Married, Have one kid
Rarity x Prince blueblood – Married, Have two kids
Applejack x Soarin – Married and Have two Kids
Starlight glimmer x Sunburst – Married and have two kids
Trixie x Discord – Married and have two Kids
Vinyl Scratch x Neon Lights – Married and have three kids
Sweetie belle x Button Mash – Married and have two kids
Maud Pie x Trenderhoof – Married and have three kids
Sunset Shimmer x Flash Sentry – Married and have two kids
Princess Luna x Sombra – Married and have one kid
Octavia x Doctor whooves – Married and have two kids
Base by ShootingStarYT
Original by Nazo-no-Akuma