Conquest Cogs, a friend of Chloe’s, made these inflatable straitjacket suits for Chloe, Sunset and Crypto. A straitjacket, and inflated rubber balloon suit. Chloe starts a testing session for Conquest’s pneumatic suits, along with Sunset Shimmer and Crypto. When all three of them tried them on, they’ll be extremely cozy in their rubbery, inflated, squishy and squeaky pneumatic suits. Chloe is muted from her deep throat muzzle, but can still struggle. Sunset finds this quite conformable and secretly enjoying this, so does Crypto. Conquest will watch them struggle to make lots of creaks and squeaks in their pneumatic suits. As she adores them to stay like this until she feels like it setting them free. >;3
Crypto the Changeling – CryptoTheChangeling1
Pneumatic suits, based off Banderi’s artwork.
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